;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; English language file for My Finance Calendar 1.3 ; ; Format of language file: ; "" ; ; example: 0101 "Transactions" ; ; where: ; - should be positive number ; - any text enclosed into quotes ; ; ;comment row (line start with ";"): translation is not required ; ; Language file encoding: UTF-8 ; ; More information: http://www.myfinancecalendar.com/translation.html ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;About page: Author's name (replace My Finance Calendar to 'your name' and English to 'your language') 0001 "English translation: My Finance Calendar" ;BASIC 0101 "Transactions" 0102 "Income" 0103 "Expenses" 0104 "Transfers" 0105 "Transfer from" 0106 "Transfer to" 0107 "Account" 0108 "Category" 0109 "Categories" 0110 "Subcategory" 0111 "Payee/Payer" 0112 "Description" 0113 "Price" 0114 "Amount" 0115 "Price/Amount" 0116 "Date" 0117 "Note" 0118 "Notes" 0119 "Reminder" 0120 "Recurrence" 0121 "On" 0122 "Off" 0123 "Info" 0124 "Warning" 0125 "OK" 0126 "Cancel" 0127 "More details" 0128 "Less details" 0129 "Loading..." 0130 "No items" 0131 "No suggestions..." 0132 "Choose an item" 0133 "Yes" 0134 "No" 0135 "From" 0136 "To" ;MISCELLANEOUS 0201 "Edit transaction" 0202 "Batch edit transaction" 0203 "Edit category" 0204 "Add, edit, delete categories, budgets" 0205 "Edit account" 0206 "Add, edit, delete accounts" 0207 "Edit payee/payer" 0208 "Add, edit, delete payees/payers" 0209 "Enter" 0221 "Transaction details" 0222 "Category details" 0223 "Account details" 0224 "Payee/Payer details" ;MENU ELEMENTS (these texts should be as short as possible) 0301 "add" 0302 "category" 0303 "account" 0304 "payee/payer" 0305 "1. Create" 0306 "2. Import" 0311 "Check all" 0312 "Uncheck all" 0313 "Reminder On/Off" 0314 "Go to today" 0315 "Go to date..." 0316 "Reports" 0317 "Open" 0318 "Save" 0319 "Search" 0320 "Select" 0321 "View" 0322 "Edit" 0323 "Batch edit" 0324 "Delete" 0326 "Only reminders" 0327 "full screen" ;TRANSACTIONS 1001 "parameters" 1002 "Modifying recurring transaction will delete related reminders. Are you sure?" 1003 "Selected recurring and transfer transactions will not be modified, these transactions cannot be edited using Batch editing function." 1004 "Only recurring or transfer transactions selected. These transactions cannot be edited using Batch editing function. Note: reminders for recurring transaction can be set from app bar menu." 1011 "Filters" 1012 "Filter applied" 1013 "Both" 1014 "Show all category" 1015 "Reminded only" 1016 "Simple" 1017 "Recurring" 1018 "Clear Price/Amount filter" 1019 "Greater or equal than" 1020 "Less or equal than" 1021 "Equal" 1022 "Clear all filter" 1023 "All" 1024 "Hide transfers" 1031 "Summary" 1032 "Income summary" 1033 "Expense summary" 1041 "Split" 1042 "Splits" 1043 "Remainder" 1051 "State" 1052 "Uncleared" 1053 "Cleared" 1054 "Reconciled" 1055 "Void" ;RECURRENCES 1101 "Repeats" 1102 "Daily" 1103 "Weekly" 1104 "Monthly" 1105 "Yearly" 1106 "Every" 1107 "day(s)" 1108 "week(s)" 1109 "month(s)" 1110 "year(s)" 1111 "Days" 1112 "Pattern" 1113 "By start date" 1114 "By pattern" 1115 "On every" 1116 "first" 1117 "second" 1118 "third" 1119 "fourth" 1120 "last" 1121 "day" 1122 "week" 1123 "month" 1124 "year" 1125 "weekday" 1126 "weekend day" 1127 "Weekends" 1128 "No changes" 1129 "Move to the previous weekday" 1130 "Move to the next weekday" 1131 "Move to the closest weekday" 1132 "Start date" 1133 "End date" 1134 "End" 1135 "Occurrence" 1136 "Reminder of Recurrence transactions can be set on transaction list page" ;CATEGORIES 1201 "Monthly budget" 1202 "Parent category" 1203 "No limit defined" 1204 "Selected categories will be deleted, connected transactions (if exist) will be moved to 'Unknown' category." 1205 "Created automatically" 1206 "Created by transaction importing" 1207 "The category is already exists." 1208 "Unknown" ;ACCOUNTS 1301 "Initial date" 1302 "Initial balance" 1303 "Selected accounts will be deleted, connected transactions (if exist) will be moved to 'Unknown' account." 1304 "The account is already exists." ;PAYEES/PAYERS 1401 "Web" 1402 "Email" 1403 "Address" 1404 "Phone" 1405 "The payee/payer is already exists." 1406 "Selected payees/payers will be deleted." ;INPUT FIELD VALIDATION 2001 "Please correct the following errors:" 2002 " - empty 'Description' field" 2003 " - empty 'Price/Amount' field" 2004 " - empty 'Every' field in recurrence section" 2005 " - empty 'Occurrences' field in recurrence section" 2006 " - empty 'Initial balance' field" 2007 " - empty 'Transfer from' field" 2008 " - empty 'Transfer to' field" 2009 " - empty 'Delimiter' field" 2010 " - empty 'Decimal separator' field" 2011 " - empty 'Thousand separator' field" 2012 " - empty 'File name' field" 2031 " - incorrect number in 'Price/Amount' field" 2032 " - incorrect number in 'Every' field in recurrence section" 2033 " - incorrect number in 'Occurrences' field in recurrence section" 2034 " - incorrect number in 'Initial balance' field" 2035 " - incorrect number in 'Monthly budget' field" 2036 " - negative number in 'Price/Amount' field" 2037 " - negative number in 'Monthly budget' field" 2051 " - no 'Description' selected" 2052 " - no 'Category' selected" 2053 " - no 'Account' selected" 2054 " - no 'Price/Amount' selected" 2055 " - no 'Parent category' selected" 2056 " - no 'Day' selected in recurrence section" 2071 " - 'Begin date' is later than 'End date'" 2072 " - 'End date' is earlier than 'Start date' in recurrence section" 2073 " - there isn't any selected field to change" 2081 " - file name is not valid" ;PREFERENCES 2201 "Calendar preferences" 2202 "Daily balance" 2203 "Running balance (opening)" 2204 "Show all account" 2205 "Show all payee/payer" 2206 "Show Running balance or Daily balance" 2207 "First day of week" 2208 "Flexible calendar cell height" 2209 "First week of year" 2210 "First 4-day week" 2211 "First full week" 2212 "Starts on 1 January" 2213 "All account" 2214 "All payee/payer" 2215 "Running balance (closing)" 2216 "Extra small" 2217 "Small" 2218 "Medium" 2219 "Large" 2220 "Extra large" 2221 "Font size in calendar" 2222 "Font size in transaction list page" 2231 "App preferences" 2232 "Basic preferences" 2233 "Basic" 2234 "Tiles" 2235 "Reset document" 2236 "Reset data" 2237 "Entry details" 2238 "Categories, budgets" 2239 "Cloud services" 2240 "Accounts" 2241 "Payees/Payers" 2251 "Language" 2252 "Show currency code" 2253 "Autocomplete input fields" 2254 "Reminders: ___ days before transaction date" 2255 "Spending rate of notifications [%]" 2256 "Default currency" 2257 "Decimal digits of default currency" 2258 "Save filter parameters in Transaction list page" 2261 "Document statistics" 2262 "Document properties, statistics" 2263 "Number of transactions" 2264 "Number of recurring transaction records" 2265 "Number of expense categories" 2266 "Number of income categories" 2267 "Number of transfer categories" 2268 "Number of accounts" 2269 "Number of payees/payers" 2070 "Current balance" 2071 "First transaction" 2072 "Total income" 2073 "Total expense" 2281 "Protection" 2282 "Password protection" 2283 "Password" 2284 "Password doesn't match confirmation." 2285 "Ask password on startup" 2286 "Confirm password" 2291 "Are you sure you want to delete all of the data?" 2292 "New document has been created." 2293 "Delete all data" ;CLOUD SERVICES 2501 "Setup cloud account" 2502 "Setup Dropbox account" 2503 "Connect/Disconnect" 2504 "Connected to Dropbox." 2505 "Unable to access Dropbox folder." 2506 "No internet connection is available." 2507 "HTTP error in the authentication process. The HTTP status code:" 2508 "Authentication cancelled by the user or due to the weak network connection." 2509 "Please try again." 2510 "Connection is cancelled." 2521 "Backup" 2522 "Backup data" 2523 "Restore" 2524 "Restore data" 2525 "Restore data from backup" 2526 "Import CSV" 2527 "Import data" 2528 "Import data from CSV file" 2529 "Import QIF" 2530 "Import data from QIF file" 2531 "Open desktop datafile" 2532 "Open desktop data file (*.mmg)" 2533 "Export" 2534 "Export data to CSV, QIF file" 2535 "Backup file list" 2536 "CSV file list" 2537 "QIF file list" 2538 "Desktop datafile list" 2539 "Backup file is restored successfully." 2540 "Desktop file is opened successfully." 2541 "Save backup..." 2542 "Unable to save backup file." 2543 "Size: " 2544 " bytes" 2545 "No backup found." 2546 "By opening restore file the current document will be overridden. Are you sure?" 2547 "By opening desktop file the current document will be overridden. Are you sure?" ;IMPORT CSV/QIF 2601 "Import" 2603 "Import setup" 2604 "Imported file" 2605 "Delimiter" 2606 "Use system date format" 2607 "Date format" 2608 "Use system decimal and thousand separators" 2609 "Decimal separator" 2610 "Thousand separator" 2611 "Currency symbol" 2612 "Removed characters from all of the columns" 2613 "Skip first row" 2614 "Columns" 2615 "Previous" 2616 "Next" 2617 "Transactions" 2618 "Creating..." 2651 " transaction(s) created successfully." 2652 " transaction(s) skipped due to missing description" 2653 " transaction(s) skipped due to missing or non-convertable price/amount" 2654 " transaction(s) converted to current date due to missing date or unknown date format" 2655 " transaction(s) imported successfully." 2656 "Selected transactions will be deleted." 2657 "Delete selected recurring transactions and all its occurrences" 2658 "Transaction(s) can be added to the document by clicking the 'import' button on 'transactions' page." 2659 "Before importing you have to create transactions by clicking the 'create' button on the 'import setup' page." ;EXPORT 2801 "Export type" 2802 "CSV file" 2803 "QIF file" 2804 "Desktop data file" 2805 "File name" 2806 "Extension" 2807 "Export all transactions" 2808 "Begin date" 2809 "End date" 2810 "Save accounts" 2811 "Save categories, subcategories" 2851 "Exporting..." 2852 "Save desktop file..." 2853 "CSV file is saved successfully." 2854 "QIF file is saved successfully." 2855 "Backup file is saved successfully" 2856 "File is saved successfully." 2857 "Unable to save the CSV file." 2858 "Unable to save the QIF file." 2859 "Unable to save desktop file." ;NOTIFICATIONS 2901 "Notifications" 2902 "Balances" 2903 "daily" 2904 "monthly" 2905 "Reminders" ;REPORTS 3001 "Monthly" 3002 "Advanced" 3003 "Monthly balance" 3004 "Subcategories" 3005 "Daily balance" 3006 "Monthly budget" 3007 "Trend of balance" 3008 "Trend of category" 3009 "Balance" 3010 "Monthly expenses" 3011 "Monthly income" 3012 "Monthly balance" 3013 "Monthly subcategories of" 3014 "Expenses, income, balance" 3015 "Subcategories of" 3016 "No subcategory" 3017 "Limits" 3018 "Spendings" 3019 "Report by" 3020 "Limit" 3021 "Monthly expenses by categories" 3022 "Monthly income by categories" 3023 "Subcategory amounts of a selected parent category" 3024 "Monthly expenses, income and balance" 3025 "Daily running balances" 3026 "Monthly budget, limits by categories" 3027 "Summarized expenses by categories between two dates" 3028 "Summarized income by categories between two dates" 3029 "Summarized subcategory amounts of a selected category between two dates" 3030 "Summarized expenses, income and balance between two dates" 3031 "Trend report of expenses, income and balance between two dates" 3032 "Trend report of a selected category between two dates" 3041 "Month" 3042 "Two months" 3043 "Quarter" 3044 "Half year" 3045 "Year" 3046 "full-months" 3051 "column" 3052 "line" ;ABOUT 3101 "About" ;!!! ;PREDEFINED TRANSFER CATEGORIES 9001 "ATM" ;PREDEFINED EXPENSE CATEGORIES ;Automobile parent category and it's subcategories 9101 "Automobile" 9102 "Parking" 9103 "Maintence and Repairs" 9104 "Insurance" 9105 "Fuel and Oil" 9106 "Other" ;Entertainment parent category and it's subcategories 9111 "Entertainment" 9112 "Book, Newspaper, Magazine" 9113 "Concerts, Movies" 9114 "Hobbies" 9115 "Vacation" 9116 "Other" ;Food parent category and it's subcategories 9121 "Food" 9122 "Dining Out" 9123 "Groceries" ;Housing parent category and it's subcategories 9131 "Housing" 9132 "Appliances" 9133 "Furniture" 9134 "Improvements" 9135 "Rent Payment" 9136 "Household" ;Utilities parent category and it's subcategories 9141 "Utilities" 9142 "Phone" 9143 "Electricity" 9144 "Gas" 9145 "Internet" 9146 "Water" ;Children's Expenses parent category and it's subcategories 9151 "Children's Expenses" 9152 "Activities" 9153 "Babysitters" 9154 "Kindergarten" 9155 "Lessons" 9156 "Toys" 9157 "Other" ;Miscellaneous parent category and it's subcategories 9161 "Miscellaneous" 9162 "Educational Expenses" 9163 "Gifts" 9164 "Pets" 9165 "Taxes" 9166 "Transaction" 9167 "Loans" 9168 "Clothing" 9169 "Alcohol and Tobacco" ;Personal Care parent category and it's subcategories 9171 "Personal Care" 9172 "Drugs" 9173 "Hair Styling" 9174 "Gym" 9175 "Makeup" 9176 "Health" 9177 "Other" ;PREDEFINED INCOME CATEGORIES ;Salary and Wages parent category and it's subcategories 9201 "Salary and Wages" 9202 "Retirement Income" 9203 "Other Incomes" ;PREDEFINED ACCOUNTS 9301 "Cash" 9302 "Credit card" 9303 "Liabilities" 9304 "Savings"